The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) consists of 5 ladder steps. The score increases as more responsibility, reflection and investments in safety are made.
Alle treden geven de ontwikkelingsfase aan waarin de organisatie zich bevindt op het gebied van veiligheidsbewustzijn. De Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) is gebaseerd op de cultuurladder van Parker.
Ladder step 1: Pathological
The attitude within the organization is: 'We don't worry if we are not caught.' The organization invests (almost) no investment in improving safety behavior.
Ladder step 2: Reactive
The organization has a habit of changing when something happens. The change is therefore often short-lived.
Ladder step 3: Calculating
The organization has a system in operation. The organization takes responsibility, but often out of self-interest. Management is involved and complies with the rules.
Ladder step 4: Pro active
Safety has a high priority in the organization. The organization is continuously working to improve safety. Employees themselves believe that working safely is their own responsibility.
Ladder step 5: Progressive
Safety is central to the entire organization. Safety is fully integrated into the organization.

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